The J.J. Way

At J. J. CURLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, students are expected to exhibit a commitment to learning and to achieving success. We have guidelines for appropriate student behaviour which reflect the school's philosophy of openness and mutual respect. The guidelines show that students are expected to take personal responsibility for their behaviour. This responsibility applies not only to their academic duties, but also to their use and care of school facilities, equipment, textbooks, and supplies.

Each responsible student contributes to the well-being and success of everyone at J. J. CURLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, where learning is fun.

This code has been drafted by the School Improvement Team with the input from parents and the teaching staff.  We want students to be fully informed of their responsibilities at J. J. CURLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. We try to ensure that, in all cases, students will be treated in a fair manner by being kept fully informed of an incident, charge or outcome which affects them. We have a consistent approach to school discipline; thus rules will be applied as the situation and cumulative behaviour warrants. We try to be firm and fair with decisions which result from complete fact-finding and communicating with all parties concerned.

Students who disobey school rules or directives from teachers or the principal, may be required to serve an in-school detention or remain after school hours.  If a child has to remain after school, parents will be responsible for arranging transportation their child.  Parents will be contacted prior to a detention.